The road to GaMaYo on Thursday 23rd May 2024 at Tileyard North continues and so does the quest to put a spotlight on the demos that are going to be on show and of course, the wonderful creators behind them too!
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The second GaMaYo highlight is a unique premise as it’s always worth checking out the…
Terms & Conditions
This is being developed by the team at Jesticide Games and we asked Oscar Street some questions to find out more…

What would be your description of Terms & Conditions?
“A frantic endurance game based on the early 2000s period of surfing the internet. You must accept or decline as many terms & conditions as possible whilst avoiding nasty pop-ups and viruses before they shut down the PC.
Keep a keen eye on which terms you accept, as they can affect your race against the clock, from measly distractions to real-world consequences. Unexpected, random events will make each run different with many unlockables to customise your PC and display in the home office.”
How did development start? (Were there any key inspirations or ideas that drove you?)
“The game is originally based on a jam submission and runner-up for the Snappy Gurus Game Off Summer 2022 contest. Our core influence came from the Y2K era and the collective childhood memories of clicking on dodgy pop-ups and installing viruses on the family computer. Vinesauce Joel’s Windows XP destruction stream greatly inspired this idea, including the infamous desktop buddy BonziBuddy.”

Tell us about the team working on Terms & Conditions?
“At Jesticide Games, we are (mostly) students who graduated from Shipley College and Leeds Beckett and have decided as long-time friends to come together and unify our enjoyment of getting into game design and work on projects together.
Terms & Conditions is not only our starter project, but an ongoing development of discovering how we can work as a team to create even more ambitious games in the future, and we hope to make the most of that opportunity in the present moment.”
What kind of experiences do you hope to bring players?
“We hope to make the core game loop not only exciting to replay and learn with each new run, but to give the players the agency of constantly discovering new scenarios, encounters and rewards amid chaos, all for gaining a new high score in classic arcade fashion.”

In 10 words or less, highlight the appeal of Terms & Conditions?
“A love letter to Y2K-era internet and viruses alike.”
What’s your fondest memory of getting in trouble with the family computer?
In the words of Joe, one of the Terms & Conditions team members:
“I downloaded Bamzooki off the wrong website and proceeded to install 30 (Maybe exaggerated) different Internet Explorer toolbars onto the family computer. It was so bad that not only could you not see the browser content behind the toolbar wall, but our old PC would just crash after trying to load Internet Explorer for 5 minutes.”