We are bringing you a second GaMaYo highlight combat to those Monday blues and to help tide us over until the fated day on Thursday (23rd November, Tileyard North, Wakefield. In case you didn’t know!)
More developer insights, more sneak peaks, you know the drill, so it’s about time we show you this upcoming game…
This is being developed by Overworld Games Studio and we asked Marco Ng to fill us in on what to expect.
How would you describe Emitime?
Marco – “Emitime is a game that uses “time” as the overall theme! You will play as two characters, one from the present, and one from the past, and each character features a different art style and overall gameplay mechanic!
With the power of Emitime, they have gained the ability to communicate with each other across time. Witness how their stories interact with each other and the actions you take, might actually change the stories on each side!”
How did development begin? Were there any key inspirations or ideas that drove you?
Marco – “Emitime was originally a first-year project that I developed back in university. I was inspired by the different media that use time travel as their narrative plot lines, and hoped I could develop a game that could incorporate the “time” element, but a bit different!
I ended up creating a game prototype that features 3 characters and 3 different gameplay mechanics, and it has received the Audience Favourite Award in the IM Showcase 2021! With my improved skills and abilities in game development, I am now reimagining the whole game idea, and turning this into a full-fledged game!”
Tell us about yourself? (Where are you from? How did you get started?)
Marco – “I am Marco, and I am also the director / game developer working under my own indie game studio – Overworld Games Studio! I am currently a solo developer, and I commenced my journey to create my own game studio business a couple of months ago!
I have met a lot of wonderful people and organisations in the game dev community through my journey, and I can’t wait to explore more of how my studio could grow!”
What experiences or feelings do you hope to bring to the players?
Marco – “As a solo developer, I hope to bring players an engaging experience, and more importantly, a smile on their faces as they play!
I always see games as an expression to portray my thoughts and feelings, yet, in a fun way! I hope the players can get invested in the stories and gameplay, and explore the imagination that I put into my experiences!”
In 10 words or less, highlight the appeal of Emitime?
Marco – “You can experience many potential storylines and different gameplay elements!”